Guest Blog
by Paul Porras
This is one that hits home for me for many reasons. Professionally speaking, I’ve always been good about speaking up and making my intentions known. I tend to be pretty open with my boss about what I want out of my career and how I plan to get there. I will ask for a challenging task, a raise, and even a promotion because the fact is, nobody is really going to do that for you. I attribute this to my growth and learning in the military. My trouble, however, lies in the initial acts of doing. Now, I’m not saying I don’t get it done. I pride myself on my work and my efficiency. What I’m referring to is the reaching out of my ‘comfort zone’ to get started on those things that I want. I won’t lie I’m a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to getting started. It’s the apprehension of doing something new that really gets to me and delays my initial reaction. It’s been this way MY ENTIRE LIFE! From learning to swim and riding a bike to even sliding down a park slide for the first time – embarrassing. I digress.
The whole concept of reaching out of my ‘comfort zone’ is intimidating, especially in a professional setting. Can you relate?
I think everyone can on some level. We all have a fearful place that we ignore or sidestep. We let others be the doers and see them reap the benefits. Well, let me tell you this from my personal experience…you can do it – it can be done! If you can dig down deep and suppress your apprehensions of doing something fearful, you will experience both success and true satisfaction. I now realize that this has been true throughout my life, but only recently, and as I begin my new business venture, have my eyes been opened to this epiphany. I’ve stepped outside that ‘zone’, survived, and prospered! I guarantee the same will be true for you. So please, heed my words…’comfort zones’ are overrated!
A few lessons learned:
• Latch onto someone that pushes your limits and holds you accountable to your goals and dreams – a spouse, a mentor, a boss, a coach, anyone.
• Take a deep breath, say a quick prayer (if you do that), and leap!
• Believe in yourself and your abilities. You have no idea what you are capable of until you try, and believe me you are capable.
• Realize why you are doing what you are doing, and do it!
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