Category Archives: Directional Motivation In The News

New Children’s Book Series – Berry Patch Friends

Russ Hovendick shares information on his new book I Have a Secret with Sarah Blakely.

This is the first book in the new Berry Patch Friends series. I Have a Secret was written to help parents convey the message of “I Love You” to their children, which is lacking in so many homes today. It’s so rewarding as an author, to hear comments back from readers stating that they absolutely love this book. Typical comments are that “It is adorable”, “Oh How Fun” or that “It brought a tear to my eye” and this excites me, realizing that it is connecting with my intended audience. I trust that you will enjoy this book, as well as future books in the series.

This fun book takes you on a journey through the berry patch with mother bear and her little cub. The book begins with the mother telling her cub that she has a secret. The anticipation of the secret paired with cute pictures immediately grabs the attention of readers.

To purchase the book on Amazon click to buy now

Our thanks to KDLT for producing the career corner segment.

SDDVA Staff host booth at Sioux Falls Job Fair

Article Credit South Dakota Department of the Military South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs

The South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs was one of over 100 vendors at the Sioux Falls Job Fair held at the Elmen Center at Augustana College Wednesday.
Deputy Secretary Aaron Pollard, Field Officer Steven Lund and Veterans Service Officer Regina Boeve were on hand to answer questions regarding veterans benefits and services.
Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether kicked off the event by reading a proclamation proclaiming Wednesday, August 6, as Veterans and Spouses Job Fair Day in Sioux Falls.
This is the eighth annual job fair offered to assist veterans, military personnel readjust to their civilian life.
Recently, SDDVA provided all CTVSOs with the book “Deployment to Employment,” a guide for military veterans transitioning to civilian employment. The book provides a step-by-stepguide to success in landing civilian employment. SDDVA Secretary Zimmerman believes that the book is a great resource for veterans to use in developing their resume, preparing for interviews and landing a job.




Directional Motivation featured on TV and Radio

KDLTWe have had a successful week getting out into the community and spreading the word about all that we are doing with Directional Motivation and especially helping our returning veterans. KDLT news featured a story centered around the Deployment to Employment book and also the success that one veteran has experienced with it.

Congratulations to Bill Zortman -Host of It’s Your Business for his 500th show! Russ was one of the guests who got to participate in the milestone show and speak about the employment maket and veterans.

Russ also had the chance to visit with Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether and talk briefly about the local needs in the Sioux Falls market and the role that veterans play in the employment equation.




Directional Motivation on the Jon Michaels Radio Show

Recently Directional Motivation founder Russ Hovendick was interviewed by Jon Michaels. In this interview Russ discusses his book Deployment to Employment as well as the other resources available to veterans.


JV Attraction Interview

JV Attraction founder Ruth Anne Wood interviews Russ Hovendick, Author, Executive Recruiter, Career Coach, and Founder of the Directional Motivation organization shares the secrets to interviewing, career advancement, and success strategies for military veterans transitioning back into the private employment sector. Russ also shares with JV ATTRACTION the power of having a strong mission that rallies community passion, service and support.

Cynthia Brian “Oprah of the Airwaves”

Russ had the opportunity to be interviewed by Cynthia Brian about his two books “How to interview: What employer’s want to hear in today’s competitive job market” and “How to get a raise; the correct way to ask for an increase in salary and wages.” Cynthia is regarded as the “Oprah of the Airwaves” and her program has a global audience of 3.5 million listeners in 219 countries.

“Cynthia Brian’s advice will make a big difference in your life so you can have more fulfillment and fun every day.”
Deepak Chopra

Today Directional Motivation founder Russ Hovendick was interviewed by radio host January Jones

Today Directional Motivation founder Russ Hovendick was interviewed by January Jones. Listen to the interview where he shares his passion to help people through the Directional Motivation book series and website.