Tag Archives: Nicole Abrahams

Landing Your Dream Job at Any Age

Guest Blog by
Nicole Abrahams 

dream job

Image credit: Atsuke, license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/atsuke/4613987073


These days, it is quite common to hear people complain about age discrimination in regards to seeking employment. Younger job seekers feel that they are brushed over by hiring managers because they lack experience. Older job applicants feel that they are disregarded because they are viewed as outdated. However, it is likely that many members of both groups are not being hired for reasons other than their birth dates. With this in mind, read the following for tips on how to land your dream job at any age.

Maintain the Right Image

Perhaps in a perfect world appearances wouldn’t matter. However, in today’s competitive business environment, they do. As such, whether you are young or old, you need to be aware of what the current trends in business dress are. If you are fresh out of college, make sure you don’t look like a kid pledging at a fraternity. Likewise, if you have a few more years under your belt ensure that your wardrobe is up to date and that you don’t appear to live in a retirement home. Regardless of your birth date, you should:

  • Get a modern, professional haircut
  • Professional accessories
  • Modern business attire

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